A downloadable game


Di- or thats what she thinks her name is, wakes up in a pod. Looking around, shes in an abandoned lab of some sort. After getting bored from standing around for a few seconds, she decides to get out of this dump. By bending reality and causing someone else extreme stress doing so.


E - Hop between the dimensions.

A/D + Space - Move left, right and jump.

Left Click - pick up and drop objects


Swap between 2D and 3D to change the stage according to the pillars in the wall.

2D stages only extend from the left wall to the right wall (glass)

MAGES Institute of Excellence

DI was developed over a 6 week period by a DGT Student as part of the Algorithms, Mathematics and Physics Module.

Asset Credits: 

Comedic Music - "Draw a picture" by Tinymemory

Title Music - "「木漏れ日の寺院」" by Duon's Sound Library

Game Music - 涙のあと composed by もっぴーさうんど


Di Beta v0.2.zip 54 MB

Install instructions

Unpack zip. Run Di.exe

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