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(13 edits)

Checking this out after seeing your recent link on rimworld reddit, looks like fun little game. Random feedback:

Encountered a pesky bug several times, where a unit refuses to move while playing walking animation seemingly for no reason, full stats, no one nearby. Then it, just as suddenly, starts going to whatever boondocks I sent it to while trying to dislodge it. >_<

Even on my, by modern standarts, extremely weak computer , loading screens sometimes went by before I could read the text, and, at least in case of Chapter 6, it was handy one. Optional confirmation button press, perhaps? No lag at all, by the way, if that was ever a problem.

Abilities that are used on area around unit itself should probably show or tell what that area is.

Description for officers' ability reads: "Officers should be with paired with infantry"

Drama's conversations after Chapter 7 are glitched. Shows convos with Deadweight, TinMan and TinMan with picture of Deadweight that is actually Tumbleweed.

Text in general (which, admittedly, does not appear to be very interesting) feels like it could use some proofreading regarding commas, but I'm not confident in my english enough to do that.

Out of curiousity, how long do you plan the game to be?

Thanks for the comment!

Regarding the movement bug, I'll take a look into it, thanks! Alongside with the loading screens I'll see if I can make it stay longer or so.

Abilities around the units are marked by a circle, unless it bugged out and didn't show somehow, I'll see if I can replicate it.

Conversations wise I plan on making a big rewrite to most of it, and I do need to spell check since most of the dialogue was written as first draft which shows.

The game gameplay wise is almost done, it should be done by mid next month or so, after that its just left with rewritting the story and fixing bugs/adding qol!

Actually, there are circles for abilities, but they are way smaller than they should be. :\


good game, but needs optimization.

(1 edit)

thanks for the feedback! Was there any particular part that comes to mind or is it in general?

Edit: Game has been optimised, but further optimisation could be done!


Really enjoyable so far, looking forward to future updates!

Nice. I got a bug that froze the game when Brownie and the Trooper talks during mission 2. 

The issue should be resolved in the new patch! Thanks for the heads up!

Impressive Game Mechanics